Essential oil pathways – how aromatherapy works on the body

Our sense of smell is more sensitive and immediate than any of our other senses. Aromatic oils works holistically on mind, body and spirit, bringing balance and healing.

The cutaneous pathway of essential oils- Through the skin

Massaging on the skin is considered as an ideal way of essential oil application. The skin is selectively-permeable in nature & it allows passage to water & lipid based substances, including essential & vegetable oils. The small sized molecules of essential oils & their bioactivity support penetration into the epidermis. After travelling through the cells & intercellular spaces of the dermis they finally enter the lymphatic & blood circulation system. From there they are carried to the whole body along with blood. Being soluble in lipid these molecules are even able to cross the blood-brain barrier & that is how essential oils affect the brain quickly.

The respiratory pathway of essential oils-Through membrane of lungs

On inhalation, the small molecules of essential oils are taken to the bronchial tubes along with air. There they stimulate the bronchial secretion which gives a moistening effect locally. The moisture rich environment facilitates better absorption of oxygen & also benefits in case of infection of lungs, throat or nose. After reaching the bronchial tubes the essential oil molecules penetrate the mucous membranes & impact the local tissues according to their therapeutic properties.

The olfactory pathway of essential oils-through the neuro-endocrine system

The olfactory cells present at the nostrils are thought as the extensions of first cranial nerves which carry the stimuli of the odorant through the olfactory tract that branches to several sites in the brain. The olfactory system in its turn stimulates the amygdala & the hypothalamus, parts of the limbic system.

The hypothalamus affects the Central Nervous System, the endocrine system as well as the network of information exchange between the body cells. Any stimuli in the limbic system also affect the cerebrum (cortex) as well as the cerebellum & their functions. Hypothalamus influences the thalamus. The thalamus is related with emotions & memory. Hypothalamus also influences the pituitary gland through regulating factors. Essential oils affect the body through olfaction. Aromatherapy works on the brain & influences the central nervous system. The effect of essential oils triggers the release of endorphins from the limbic system & the peptide-cell receptor network, promoting a feeling of euphoria or sense of well-being.


James Wagner

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Classification of Aromatherapy

Cosmetic aromatherapy This therapy utilizes certain essential oils for skin, body, face and hair cosmetic

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